Privacy policy

The Gold Top Foundation ("GTF") is deeply committed to people's privacy. We value the Personal Data entrusted to us and make sure we respect that trust.        

The information below constitutes our Privacy Policy. It describes what information GTF collects and also explains the rights and the choices you have relating to your personal data and how to exercise those rights.        

If after reading this document you have any further questions or would like additional information, please contact         

I.          Scope  

This Policy applies to the processing of Personal Data of individuals applying for a benefit from GTF ("Applicants"), as well as individuals who were granted a benefit from GTF ("Beneficiaries").    

We will review and update this policy regularly in accordance with our data protection obligations. We may amend, update or supplement the policy from time to time. We will circulate any new or modified policy when it is adopted.           

II.         Who collects your Personal Data?    

GTF is the controller of your Personal Data as defined below.          

III.        What Personal Data do we collect?  

Any information that can be used to identify you is considered personal data ("Personal Data"). As an Applicant and/or a Beneficiary, the categories of Personal Data that GTF will usually hold and process about you are: 

•               Information that you provide us with during the application process - i.e. your full legal name, preferred name/nickname, gender, citizenship/nationality, personal and work location information (address, city), country of residence, phone number(s), national ID number, email address, date of birth/age, place of birth, marital status, dependant(s) details, family history, work history, social security status, retirement, disability, care allowance, social security number, Passport number, bank account, and financial information, medical and health information, and any other details necessary to assess the applications:

•               Information and evidence documenting the disbursement of the allocated funds.      

II.         For which purposes do we use your Personal Data?          

We hold and process your Personal Data in general in order to examine the application for benefits and to monitor the use of the benefits, but more precisely for the following purposes:   

•          Determination of financial hardship and eligibility in the light of the criteria of assistance including filling out application and collecting all supporting documentation; Interviewing and evaluating your needs (this may require home/off-site visits)

•          Recommendation of ways to provide support (includes a written report consisting of family background intelligence as well as description of needs); researching and contacting other sources of assistance available locally               

•          Creation of plans to address your needs in the long term when applicable 

•          Monitoring the benefit transfers and use                 

•          Determination of tax obligations regarding the benefits granted as well as calculation of tax according to the binding legal regulations with consideration of the necessity to sum up benefits granted within a period of five years preceding the year, in which the last benefit was granted; providing information about tax obligations and necessary instructions.               

Most of the processing of your Personal Data is performed on the basis of a contractual necessity to process your data (e.g. processing of your personal data to examine the application for benefits or to monitor your use of the benefits) or are performed to enable GTF to comply with a legal obligation (e.g. maintaining a tax documentation).     

In limited cases, not covered by the above legal bases, GTF may process your Personal Data to pursue a legitimate interest (e.g. development of the GTF benefits program).    

IV.       To whom do we disclose your Personal Data         

We share your Personal Data with external service providers who we rely on or with whom we cooperate, mostly with social assistance consultants. These trusted business partners will be given limited access to your Personal Data as is reasonably necessary to deliver the services they are engaged to provide. They are required by law or where appropriate contractually obligated to process any Personal Data collected from you, including on our behalf, in a manner that is consistent with Privacy Laws or this Privacy Policy. Any trusted business partner that processes your Personal Data on our behalf will also commit to implement reasonable security measures. In addition to the foregoing, please note that the third parties mentioned above may have their own statement regarding the collection and use of your Personal Data and information. We strongly advise you to carefully review these statements. Any reference to "we" or "us" in this Privacy Policy may also refer to our trusted business partners.      

We may also share your Personal Data with companies within Gibson Brands, Inc., in case we have a legitimate interest in transmitting your Personal Data for internal administrative purposes. 

V.         International Data Transfers 

GTF may store your Personal Data in various databases and applications located in the countries of its choice. Staff, agents and service providers accessing these databases and applications may be based in countries other than your country of residence.


VI.       Data minimization, retention and security   

The processing of your Personal Data is confined to what is necessary for the purposes described in this Policy. Your Personal Data will be retained only as long as required for the purposes for which these have been collected and in compliance with any legal obligations. 

Any Personal Data that is required for the purposes of conclusion and execution of agreements with the Beneficiaries will be held for the duration of the contractual relationship and during the statute of limitations period for claims which may arise from such agreements.          

In case of Personal Data gathered as part of any unsuccessful applications for benefits, it will be held for a statute of limitations period for claims which may arise in connection with the rejection of such applications.       

Be assured that we take security very seriously. We maintain adequate physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of the Personal Data of the Applicants and Beneficiaries.         

VII.      Your rights regarding your Personal Data    

You have the right to be informed of the Personal Data regarding yourself being processed by us. This right is limited to the extent that it affects the right and freedom of others or there are other reasons that may prevent disclosure of information (e.g. confidentiality, legal professional privilege etc.). Further, you have the right to demand the correction or removal of any incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant data or the portability of your relevant data. You also have a right to restrict processing or to object to any processing which we would have grounded on our legitimate interest as set out under (IV).            

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. 

VIII.     Consequences for not providing your Personal Data           

Where you choose not to provide us with your Personal Data, we will not be able to examine your application for benefits and thus it will prevent us from entering into an agreement with you. In other words, your Personal Data is necessary for us to determine whether you are eligible for a benefit.           

X.         Changes to this Privacy Policy           

We reserve the right to change this Policy (e.g. to reflect new legal and/or technical developments). For an up-to-date version of the Policy please refer to