
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


+ Which basic living expenses will the GoldTop Foundation help with following a qualifying emergency?

  • Past due rent/mortgage due to a qualifying emergency

  • Past due utilities (e.g., gas, water, electricity) due to a qualifying emergency

  • Past due car payment due to a qualifying emergency

  • Groceries due to a qualifying emergency

  • Essential funeral expenses

  • Temporary shelter/moving expenses (in cases such as escaping domestic violence or an employee’s home being severely damaged from fire or natural disaster)

  • Clothing (in cases where an employee has suffered a loss of clothing, such as a fire or natural disaster)

  • Uninsured home repairs due to a natural disaster or fire

  • Critical medical treatment that is being withheld due to lack of funds or insurance coverage

+ What type of assistance may be obtained following the death of a child, spouse or employee?

The GoldTop Foundation may assist with modest funeral/burial services not covered by life insurance. We may also provide money to assist with short-term living expenses if the deceased was a household wage earner.

+ What type of assistance is provided following a small-scale natural disaster or catastrophe?

Following a small-scale natural disaster or catastrophe, the GoldTop Foundation can provide money for crucial repairs to render the home habitable and help replace essential items such as clothing, food, medicine, appliances, beds, and cookware. If the home has been completely destroyed, the GoldTop Foundation can provide money to assist with relocation expenses (temporary housing, deposit/first-month rent, utility deposits, etc.).

+ Can the GoldTop Foundation help with a wide-scale natural disaster or catastrophe?

Aid for a wide-scale disaster or catastrophe affecting dozens or hundreds of employees is based on financial need, GoldTop resources, and handled in concert with government, community, and company policies and practices.

+ Is emergency financial assistance from The GoldTop Foundation taxable?

In the United States, emergency assistance IS NOT taxable. However, it may be taxable outside the United States. If it is determined that the aid is taxable, we will provide the employee with additional funds to pay the estimated tax. It then becomes the employee’s responsibility to report the financial aid and pay the required tax.

+ I borrowed money from my friends and family to address a recent emergency. Will the GoldTop Foundation help me pay them back?

No. The GoldTop Foundation is for employees who have no other support sources, including friends and family.

+ Can the GoldTop Foundation help with long-term medical treatments or illnesses?

Aid for long-term treatments is reviewed case-by-case, based on financial need. We also take into consideration any applicable government, community, and Gibson Brands, Inc. benefits.

Applying for Help

+ What role doEs Gibson Human resources play in validating an employee’s need?

Gibson HR partners (known as HRBPs) act as a conduit between the applicant and the GoldTop Foundation. Gibson managers or HR partners are asked to facilitate the process, collect information, and recommend how much to provide the employee in need. The GoldTop Foundation makes all final decisions.

+ What is the turnaround time to process an application?

Once the GoldTop Foundation receives a complete application*, a decision is usually made within two to ten business days. However, processing time may be extended in cases where we are missing documentation, signatures, etc.

*Please include copies of all documents, payment coupons, lease agreements and other relevant information. Screenshots of bills are NOT acceptable and we must have the name of account holder, account number and billing address clearly marked on invoices or billing statements or your application is not complete and we won’t be able to process.

Qualifying for Help

+ Who are eligible dependents?

The GoldTop Foundation considers anyone for which the employee is 100% financially responsible as eligible dependents. Parents, grandparents, or other relatives are not considered dependents unless the employee can show they are 100% dependent.

+ What if there are alternative resources available that can address the employee’s needs?

If local community, government, or NGO resources available that can quickly and sufficiently address the employee’s needs, the employee and manager or HR partner should make every effort to pursue those resources before applying for GoldTop Foundation assistance.

If an employee obtains partial assistance from an alternative resource, they may apply to the GoldTop Foundation for supplementary aid. For example, if an employee loses their home in a flood and a local agency is available to provide food and clothing, but not temporary housing or moving expenses, the GoldTop Foundation can provide supplementary assistance to help with those costs.

+ What happens if I don’t qualify?

If you do not meet the GoldTop Foundation’s eligibility criteria, every effort will be made to refer you to an alternative resource(s) for assistance.

+ What are examples of expenses that do not qualify for financial assistance?

The GoldTop Foundation does NOT provide assistance for the following:

  • Adoption

  • Legal/Court fees

  • Fines, penalties, bail

  • Back taxes

  • Wage garnishments

  • Credit card bills

  • Debt consolidation loans

  • Personal loans / Payday or auto title loans

  • Immigration fees

  • Moving expenses and home repairs (except in cases of fire or natural disaster)

  • School loans, tuition, supplies

  • Routine medical expenses

  • Parking tickets

  • Divorce, spousal abandonment, and child custody disputes

  • Car maintenance, registration, and loans

+ Is there an income limit?

The assistance provided by the GoldTop Foundation is need-based so income is an important factor. However, household income is only one of several factors used to determine eligibility.

+ I am currently on a leave of absence from my job. Can I still apply for GoldTop Financial assistance?

Yes. Gibson employees are eligible to apply for GoldTop Foundation assistance whether they are active or on a company-approved leave of absence.

If you believe your circumstances are compliant with the information provided in this FAQ —

Please Apply for Financial Assistance Here